Our partner SIAVRTC are walking with the next generation of farmers, training and upskilling them - giving them the skills they need to provide for their families and communities!

Partnerships like this are the foundation of our mission. We work closely with organisations like Solomon Islands Association of Vocational and Rural Training Centres (SIAVRTC) to improve trades and training skills, and income-earning opportunities.

What is a ‘Rural Training Centre’?

Rural Training Centres (RTCs) are vocational training institutions that offer agricultural, carpentry, and mechanical life skills to empower young people in countries with high youth unemployment and a growing young population.

SIAVRTC is an umbrella organisation for 68 rural training centres across the Solomon Islands, often in remote locations where they are relied upon for opportunities.

With your support, our partner SIAVRTC strengthens rural training and education quality with sewing and finance training for local women in the Solomon Islands.

Twenty women attended a financial literacy/sewing course in Honiara. Ten life skills teachers and ten local women from the targeted Rural Training Centres also received training.

In Week 1, women learned financial skills for personal and organizational use. Week 2 focused on improving sewing abilities, including pattern making and garment creation.

We have worked with SIAVRTC to make centres more accessible for women, with separate dorms and bathrooms, resulting in a 230% increase in enrollment among women. This work continues - at present, women make up approx. 20% of those attending Rural Training Centres.

Your support will change lives, and enable our brothers and sisters in the Solomon Islands to live with dignity.