Tebora lives in Bikenibeu, Kiribati, where the dire impacts of climate change like rising sea levels, scarce fresh water, and salty groundwater means locals rely on rain-water tanks to sustain themselves and their produce.

Through training provided by the Teitoiningaina health initiative, supported by Caritas, Tebora has learnt how to use different growing techniques to produce more food and water such as composting techniques to grow fresh vegetables, improving the nutrition and wellbeing of herself, her family, and her wider community.  

Enable more people like Tebora to combat the effects of climate change and live with dignity, with a special gift today. 

Along with your generous support, this programme is also supported by the New Zealand Government, through the New Zealand Aid Programme.

Your donation will…

Provide food and water security

Provide climate change adaptive skills

Allow access to training and development